The “Farmups” we develop aims to make Japanese agricultural, forestry and fishery products to export.
It will make it easy to connect producers with end users directly (Hotels, Restaurants, and General Consumers.
Their strength, uniqueness, and story of the producers should be shared directly throughout our face-to-face business, so we build the system.
Any obstacles and challenges associated with trade can be the key to finding crossing-the-border-business friendly because every professional who has those issues is invited to the project of building the system.
“Farmups” is a smart and humane digital platform.
You know how romantic to do Trading business with foreign countries.
We think the reason we feel that way is because of its communication and the mixture of different races, food types, and cultures that would create something.
Food is a common language.
These days, you can open a business up with just a smartphone since technology is advancing rapidly.
Even though the business environment easily be speed and inhumanity, we will pursue a sustainable food business with the power of Japanese food culture and with adding some heartwarming processes, nature, and cultural values.
Food, Culture, and Nature of Japan are beautiful and our greatest assets.
We will provide a mechanism to communicate the fascination of Japanese food culture through the use of technology.
Ⅰ. Made In Japan Export Business
Ⅱ. Made By Japan Creation of International Business
Ⅲ. Make With Japan Harmonization of Business
Through the above business activities, we will bond our beautiful, tasteful, and joyful NIPPON to everyone
Export Business
We export our beautiful, tasteful, and joyful Japanese agricultural, forestry, and fishy products; Wagyu beef, Marine products, Fruits, and Vegetables), Japanese sake, any food products in general, and tableware in general to other countries.
Creation of International Business
The branding skill and techniques of Japanese producers will team up with us and localize production, processing, distribution, and sales in other countries.
Example) Sixth industrialization of sake, Sixth industrialization of wagyu beef and fishery products, etc.
Harmonization of Business
We develop services suitable for the needs of foreign companies entering the Japanese market.
We will create business by taking full advantage of our network of diverse producers and public organizations in Japan, which is one of our strengths.
Example) Cooperation with IR operators in IR-integrated resort projects
Wagyu beef (Fresh/Frozen), Marine products (Fresh/Frozen), Fruits (Fresh) and Vegetables (Fresh), Japanese sake, Craft beer, Wine, Whisky, Sho-chu, Tea (Including Macha), Soy sauce, Miso, Mirin and other seasonings in general, Japanese and Western tableware and knives in general, Japanese confectionery and other products related to Japanese food culture in general.
Corporate Profile
Level 10 Hulic Minatomirai, 1-1-7 Sakuragi-cho,
Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 231-0062 Japan
Tel: 045-228-5433
Date of Established: October 2022
Capital: 20 million yen
Main Business
①Cloud trading platform development and operation (Farmups)
②Export/import and wholesale sales of Japanese food products and alcoholic beverages in general
Directors Takuya Sato
I desire to show Japanese culture to the world, and that has given me a dream of Trading businesses opening worldwide. I am deeply interested in the food-related industry and hope to open a worldwide trade business.
While Nature's beauty and culture empower and guide the lives they touch, food is a common language and necessity, sought after and loved by all people and cultures around the world.
I believe sharing Japan's culture through food will not only provide people with energy, but also a better understanding and charm of Japan.
There are more to find out, such as various kinds of Community-based People, Products, Industries, Services, How-Toes, and Technics.
I can't help but get excited at the prospect of connecting Japanese producers and food culture actively expanding more and more when we look up foreign markets and business creation together.
We believe the producers and culture involved with Japan's food-culture industry will greatly expand in a way that is beneficial to everyone involved when we start to look at foreign markets and business creation, together.
Our goal is to build face-to-face relationships with end users throughout the world. Our priority is building quality bonds with clients rather than mass quantity. We believe this will provide a much stronger relationship and environment for everyone involved.
With that being said, we, Japan Quality Farm, would like to form a face-to-face bond that connects and systematizes as we progress and move forward with the platform consolidation by developing Japanese producers.
Doing that brings us a lot more of joy.
We will utilize technology combined with diverse products and companies to stimulate and evolve the agriculture, forestry, and fishery industries.
Made in Japan power cheers up exporting business and makes it very much alive.
Hope you experience the Beautiful, tasteful, and Joyful NIPPON with Japan Quality Farm
Director, Takuya Sato